
Welcome to "Under the Apple Tree"

As an apple tree among the trees of the forest,
    so is my beloved among the young men.
With great delight I sat in his shadow, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.
-Song of Solomon 2:3

   I am so glad that you have dropped by my blog for a visit!!! This blog is the result of a burden God has laid on my heart for my sisters in Christ. The title "Under the Apple Tree" comes from the verse you see above. In this verse, a young maiden is speaking about her "beloved", she is telling how she delights to spend time with him. 

   The book of Song of Solomon is a series of love letters between a young man, (who also happens to be the king), and the young shepherd girl that he loves. It is also, a beautiful picture of the love Christ has for His church. As I have grown in my walk with my Prince, reading this book has revealed to me the depth of His love for me, and has shown me how I should feel for Him. The verse above, is one of my favorites. It causes me to step back and take a look at my own heart and affections. Can I echo the sentiments of this young shepherdess, and declare that I delight in the Lord, and that His fruit is sweet to my taste? Can you?

   It is my desire that this blog be a place where we can be encouraged to delight in the shadow of our heavenly Prince, and truly thrive on the fruit of His Word. So, pull up a chair, pour some lemonade, and join me as we learn to love God more. If you have any questions or comments (keep both clean please), feel free to contact me at setapartcalling@gmail.com

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