Delight yourself in the Lord,
and He will give you
the desires of your heart.
-Psalm 37:4
This verse, has given me alot to think about as I make my plans for the New Year, and brought me face-to-face, with several heart-searching questions. I encourage you to take a moment, to ask them to your own heart.
What are my plans? What are the desires of my heart, that I want to see "come true" in 2013? Do they reveal a heart delighting in the Lord, or one delighting in the world?
And if, like me, you need some help deciding if they reveal a heart delighting in the Lord, I have come up with a few, more specific questions, that can help us discern our motives.
1.) Would completing this, bring glory to God or to myself? [1Peter 2:12]
2.) Would this give me more time to spend with my Savior, or would it detract from time spent with Him? [Psalm 119:2]
3.) If I discovered that this was bringing more glory to myself, or detracting from time with God and family (my first priorities), would I be willing to let it go? (A sure sign of an idol in your life, is being unable to imagine living life without it.) [Psalm 31:6]
4.) Does this fall in-line with the priorities God commands us to have? ( J-Jesus, O-others, Y-yourself) [Matthew 22:37-39]
I hope these questions help you to sift through the things that you would like to accomplish. In my next post I hope to be exploring some principles from scripture that will help us discover the things that God wants to accomplish in our lives.
If you have any other questions along the lines of New Years Resolutions, or any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comment section!
4.) Does this fall in-line with the priorities God commands us to have? ( J-Jesus, O-others, Y-yourself) [Matthew 22:37-39]
I hope these questions help you to sift through the things that you would like to accomplish. In my next post I hope to be exploring some principles from scripture that will help us discover the things that God wants to accomplish in our lives.
If you have any other questions along the lines of New Years Resolutions, or any ideas, feel free to leave them in the comment section!
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