Wednesday, January 30, 2013
The Truth of the Matter
It's funny, the month that I chose for the topic of discouragement, is the month I find the most to discourage me spiritually. Or, maybe it's not so funny, and more a reminder that we "wrestle not against flesh and blood".
I had so much planned to write to you all on this topic; so many pretty phrases and concise thoughts, that I cannot remember any longer. I meant to encourage you with truth, and exhort you, from farther along in my walk. I still plan to do the truth part, but I no longer have any delusions about having it all figured out.
Because the truth... well, the truth is that living for Christ is hard! He makes that very plain when He tells us to bear our cross and follow Him. But He also says that He will never leave us or forsake us. One of my favorites verses begins with:
See, I have inscribed you on the palms of my hands;
- Isaiah 49:16a
He will never, ever forget us, and leave us to toil onward by ourselves. In fact, He says:
For they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me.
- Isaiah 49:23b
We can place absolute faith and trust in our Savior, to strengthen, forgive, and renew us, as we wait on Him.
Please, dear sisters, don't ever forget this promise!
If I had to name one trap that I fall into more than any other in my spiritual life. One lie that I believe above all the rest, it would be that I believe that I can do it all in my own strength.
Too often I muster up my will-power, and subsist on that alone for a week or so of daily quiet times, instead on relying on, and resting in, the strength that God so freely offers me. I lose sight of my goal- to know Christ more- and settle for what I can immediately see- the means to the end. And this is when discouragement settles in, thick and oppressive.
I want to leave you with a quote that has brings me fresh, and proper perspective, each time I read it. God has used it in my life to point out pride, and faith in my flesh, and I pray that He may use it to convict your heart as well.
"Discouragement with self is just an indication
that we think we can get something good out of
ourselves; we cannot. Our goodness is wrapped
up in the person of the Lord Jesus."
- Sarah L. Bryant
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