Wednesday, February 26, 2014


   Oh wow! I can't believe how long it has been since the last post. (Is it just me, or do I say that at the beginning of nearly every post?) A lot has happened in the last few months. The major thing, that all of my days seem to be revolving around is this: I am engaged!!!

  It happened on January 12th, but it didn't truly sink in, until just recently. The first week was a roller coaster of emotions. One minute I would be giggling over my ring, and words like "fiance" or "engaged", while the next minute I would be ringing my hands in anxiety over having to tell yet another person about my engagement (sometimes I need a few days to process things...), or staring into space wondering "What have I gotten myself into?"

   In short, I have had a very eventful month and a half. And it has been so good for me! God is using it to challenge and refine me, in ways that I didn't know were possible. I will hopefully share some of those with you in the coming months until the wedding, as they are pressed deeper and deeper into my heart and mind.

   Until then, enjoy a picture of my gorgeous ring...

And the cutest couple ever! ;)

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