Friday, August 2, 2013

Devos for Teen Girls ~ Book Review

   "Devos for Teen Girls" is a one year devotional book geared toward girls and the daily problems that we face. It is written by Dannah Gresh and Suzy Weibel, two Christian authors and speakers, with a heart for teen girls.

The Pros:
   This book is full of great spiritual truths for many different topics that girls encounter every day, including some pretty hot topics such as: tattoos, sexuality, and marriage in today's culture. Each days devotional, contains a Bible verse, a very short lesson, and then an Action Step to help you practically apply what you learned. It is a quick, easy read, but doesn't sacrifice Truth.

The Cons:
   I really can't think of anything I didn't like about this book. Though I will say that because of the mature themes covered, I can only recommend it for older teens.

In Conclusion:
   "Devos for Teen Girls" would make a wonderful addition to any girls daily devotions!

*I received this book free from Tyndale House for my honest opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Lindsey! I am so glad you recognized our desire to hit tough topics without sacrificing truth. We didn't want this to be an "easy" year for the girls who are up for the challenge, but wanted to keep the format accessible. If moms are checking up on these devotions, I would certainly encourage them to do the action steps as well. They're a workout!!


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