Thursday, March 7, 2013

Covenant Keeper

   Did you know that there are four key names for God in the Bible? Since I can't read the original languages, I certainly didn't! But it is from these four, that the rest of the names we are going to study, stem. They are:

  • El
  • Elohim
  • Adonai
  • Jehovah
   Today, we are going to focus on El and Elohim.

  Elohim, is a beautiful word, that represents God's power and might. It is also the very first name, God reveals to us in His Word. (Genesis 1:1 to be exact) The Bible then goes on to use it 2,570 more times!!! So, let's get a break-down of this very first name of God.

   El- "Strong One" [also used at the end of such names as: Dani-el; Isra-el; Samu-el, etc...]
   Ohim- " to swear or bind with an oath or covenant"
   Elohim- "the Strong One Who Keeps His Covenant"

   Wow! Right here, at the very beginning of Scripture, before we read of sin and it's consequences, before we get to meet Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, before we even learn of our own creation: God let's us know that He is faithful to keep His promises!!!

  So what is this covenant that He is keeping? Well there are actually a few that He is keeping:

  1. Himself- the eternal covenant relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The word Elohim, is a plural word, but is always used with singular verbs and adjectives, making a perfect picture of the unity in the Trinity!
  2. All of His Creation.
  3. All of His Creatures
  4. His Covenant People of Israel. (The one I'm sure that most of you instantly thought of!)
   Isn't this incredible? In this one word, (not to mention, at the very beginning of the Bible), we learn the incredible Truth, that God keeps His promises. It doesn't matter that we continually turn from God's ways, to seek our own, or that we deny Him with our lives, shunning His love- once He has made a promise, nothing, and no one has the power to turn Him from it!

   Oh dear sisters, if you have not accepted the sacrifice of Jesus on your behalf, if you have not given Him your heart and soul in salvation, I pray that you do so today, right now! He has promised that whoever believes in Him, will have eternal life

   Let us live securely in this promise, my dear sisters, knowing that God does not depend on us, to keep us; all that we are, is resting in His more than capable hands!!!

(You can read about why it is so important to study the names of God, here)

1 comment:

  1. Amen to this! So many folks tend to focus mostly on the New Testament and forget that all throughout the Old Testament, God has been faithful to His people and laying out His plan for us.


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