Saturday, May 4, 2013

A Daily Rate

                                                             Then He said to them all, 
                                                     "If anyone desires to come after Me, 
                                                                let him deny himself, 
                                                          and take up his cross daily,
                                                                   and follow Me.
                                                                     -  Luke 9:23

   I have been learning this lesson the hard way, since the last time that I blogged. This verse has been in my head for as long as I can remember, but only recently has the message made it to my heart. Or, it is starting to at least; I'm still a long way from it being planted there.

   I like to have things decided, and done, and clearly communicated. I like to make a final decision, and stick to it. What I do not like, is having to make that decision every single day. It leaves too much room for error, and forgetfulness, both of which do not set well with me.

   However, as I have been discovering, this is the pattern of the Christian life. Going out on a limb. Becoming vulnerable. And ultimately accepting grace one day at a time.

   In chapter 24 of 2 Kings, there is recorded the story of a young King Jehoiachin, of Judah. Because he is wicked in the sight of God, he is captured by the Babylonians. The chapter continues with the story of another king, and no more is said about Jehoiachin until the very end of the book, where it says:

And it came to pass in the seven and thirtieth year of the capture
of Jehoiachin king of Judah...
that Evil-merodach king of Babylon... 
did lift up the head of Jehoiachin king of Judah 
out of prison.
And he spake kindly to him,
and set his throne above the throne of the kings
that were with him in Babylon;
And changed his prison garments:
and he did eat bread continually before him
all the days of his life.
And his allowance was a continual allowance
 given him of the king,
a daily rate for every day, 
all the days of his life.
-2 Kings 27-30

    I think that this story is a beautiful picture of what happens when we are saved! Christ comes into our lives, and "lifts up our heads out of prison". He replaces our prison garments with white robes, invites us to eat at His table, and gives us an allowance of grace for each day as it comes. 

   I especially love the part about the 'daily rate'. He doesn't give us all the grace that we will ever need all at once, for I'm sure He knows that, like the prodigal son, we would take it and run*. But He gives it to us daily, as we need it, that we may learn day after day, to surrender ourselves to our King, and walk in sweet fellowship with Him.

*I would like to note that the grace I mean here, is not the grace that saves. That grace is all that we need for all of eternity. In this post I am speaking of the grace to resist temptation, and love God, and live every day for His glory.*

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